Berkley Walker
Assistant professor, started August 2018
PhD, with Asaph Cousins, Washington State University
Postdoc with Don Ort, University of Illinois/USDA-ARS
Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Fellowship with Andreas Weber
Likes science, adventures and learning something new | twitter

Binod Basyal
Postdoc, started May 2020
Ph.D. in Biology
B.Sc in Agriculture from Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Loves Michigan summer, the Great Lakes, good food and soccer | twitter

Max Harman
Grad Student, started Feb 2023

Kelem Gashu
Postdoc, started Oct 2021
PhD, with Aaron Fait, Bengurion University of the Negev, Israel
Interested in plant Physiology and metabolism | twitter

Veronica Pargulski
Undergad Student Started 2023

Ludmila Roze
Research Scientist

Luke Sharpe
Graduate Student co-advised with Danny Ducat, started April 2023

Payal Srivastava
Postdoctoral Researcher, started April 2024

Anne Steensma
Graduate Student co-advised by Yair Shachar-Hill, started February 2022
BA in Biological Chemistry (minor in Statistics) from Grinnell College

Dez Strand
Postdoctoral researcher, started January 2022
PhD, Michigan State University, USA

Emily Stringham-Turner
Lab Manager, Started January 2024

Mitchell Ticoras
Graduate Student Co-Advised by Danny Ducat, Started 2023

Mauricio Tejera
GLBRC Keegstra Fellow – postdoctoral researcher, started March 2019-2024
PhD, with , Iowa State University, USA
MSc and BSc, with Valentin Picasso , Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Fascinated by the perenniality of plants and how they fool death

Kaila Smith
Graduate Student, started August 2020/2024 (Graduated with a PhD and now in Law School)
BS in Biological Sciences with minors in Chemistry and Mathematics from DePaul University
I am obsessed with my dog Potato

Kate Scott
Undergrad Student, started August 2022-2024

Stephanie Schmiege
Postdoctoral Scholar co-advised by Tom Sharkey and Danielle Way at Western University, Ontario Canada (2020-2024, Now Faculty at Union College)
PhD, with Kevin Griffin, Columbia University and Dennis Stevenson, New York Botanical Garden
Enjoys hiking, canoeing, and painting
Sarah Davis
Undergrad Researcher

Audrey Johnson
Lab Manager 2019-2023
B.S. from University of Michigan, M.S. work at Eastern Michigan University
Enjoys the great outdoors, music, and crafts

Luke Gregory
Graduate Student, started August 2020-2024 (Now a Postdoc at Cornell)
BS in Biology (minors in Chemistry and Leadership Studies) at Slippery Rock University
Likes quaint coffee shops and diner food, bowling with friends, and heading back to Pennsylvania to visit family

Heather Roney
Laboratory Technician, started March 2021
Bachelor of Science, at MSU
Likes research on climate change, solving problems, and camping.

Xinyu Fu
Postdoctoral Scholar, started June 2019-2024
Ph.D. in Biology
PhD, Iowa State University
Interested in metabolomics and modeling | twitter

Arif Ahmed
Role: Postdoc
Currently at Curia

Han Bao
Role: Postdoc
Currently at ThermoFisher Scientific

Matt Morency
Role: Undergrad Researcher and Technician
Currently a cultivation assistant at Holistic Industries

Aikaari Ryce
Laboratory Technician, started February 2022